What is Mytbs.us?

My Treasure Box Store ( MyTBS.us ) is an online worldwide shopping referral website. Partnered with over three thousand major brands worldwide, including companies such as Walmart, Fashionesta, Priceline, Travelocity, Caesars Entertainment, Amazon and many more with all the products you know and love, now made readily available at the touch of a button.We specialize in every category from clothing to sporting goods to international world class travel.
You will have access to the most recent fashion trends, as well as the number one current travel hotspots, always at the finest world-class destinations. Our website, website partners and affiliates are all well established international corporations which are all primary accredited companies on an international level with every product and name brand that you could imagine.
Not only are we sponsored by all the major name brand corporations including my own record label, ( I.K.M.corps )we have just been informed that the U.S Better Business Bureau has a strong interest in accrediting our company with an ( A + Rating ) due to our outstanding customer service and problem resolutions regarding the building, designing and maintenance of the websites and pages that we design to promote and enhance, marketing, performance and sales of any and all new business owners that understand in today's market all the previous mentioned strategies are fundamental to succeed and prevail in today's marketplace to obtain a positive outcome for whatever product that you may have.